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P l a y b a c k s 123 MP3 Player   



Loading of mp3s and lyrics 

Really getting started...

The transmission of data from and to the iPad is done via Apple’s iTunes.

Transferring mp3s to the iPad

open iTunes.


- open iTunes
- open the file with the mp3 in your file-manager (PC: Arbeitsplatz, Mac: Finder).
- drag 'n drop it into your iTunes library (1st arrow).
- from there you drag and drop it in ist destined iTunes-playlist (2nd arrow).
If this playlist isn’t existent yet, create it in „Datei“ („file“) + „Neue Wiedergabeliste“ („New Playlist“).
- Next, connect the iPad to the computer using the Doc-USB cable you got with the iPad.
- Select the iPad in the left hand slot and synchronize it by clicking „Synchronisieren“ („synchronize“). The mp3 is now on your iPad.

Transfering lyrics (jpg, png, pdf, txt) to the iPad

- open iTunes


1. select the connected iPad in iTunes
2. click „apps“ in the top right window
3. scroll down to „Filesharing“
4. Select the app „Playbacks123“
5. Next to it, there will appear a window into which you can drag and drop the file (jpg, png, ...)

The file is now on your iPad and will be displayed when the mp3 is played.

iTunes Lyrics

The Playbacks123 Player also displays lyrics embedded in the mp3 (iTunes lyrics).

- open iTunes


1. Select „Musik“ („music“) in the media library.
2. Use the right hand button on your computer-mouse to click on the song’s title and select „information“.
3. Select „lyrics"
4. Now you can either type the lyrics or drag and drop them there.
5. Confirm with „OK“.
6. Drag and drop the song into your playlist.

Find more HINTS on page 08.

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